Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Latest Project & a Giveaway Link!

I know, I should be updating this blog more often! I have all sorts of ideas in my head!

Yesterday I made handsoap for the first time. I used a bar of Irish Spring (aloe) soap (Adam's request), added 10 c. water & 1 TBSP Glycerin. It was really, really watery, so I did the whole bar instead of just 1 cup, and added a couple more squirts of glycerin. By the end of the day it had thickened up much better. I am storing it in an old bulk-sized oil bottle (1 gallon), so I can fill up our small pump bottle. I'm hoping this will be awesome, because hubby is a chronic soap-over-user ("soap makes things clean!!").
The original recipe can be found here: http://www.savvyhousekeeping.com/how-to-turn-a-bar-of-soap-into-liquid-hand-soap/


I just entered a giveaway from my favorite MakeIt-LoveIt blogger. We can BOTH win an SLR camera! She & some other bloggers are giving away TWO cameras, one for the winner & one for a friend. So I think you should enter to win & if you win, share the extra camera with me. ;)
Enter here: http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2012/05/10147.html